Whatever happened to Man About The House actress Sally Thomsett (2025)

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ACTRESS Sally Thomsett opens up about her life and career...

By Tony Padman

Whatever happened to Man About The House actress Sally Thomsett (2)SAT MAG

Sally Thomsett opens up about her life and career...

Sally Thomsett became one of our most popular actresses when she played Phyllis in much-loved family film The Railway Children (1970) and Jo in Man About The House with Paula Wilcox and Richard O’Sullivan. Sussex-born Sally, 64, has been married twice and now lives with her partner, Paul, and their daughter, Charlie, in London. Sally will be appearing in pantomime in Doncaster this Christmas.

“I got into acting by chance when one of my three older brothers offered me five shillings to audition for The Max Bygraves Summer Show. After that came pantomimes and shows until I left secondary school to attend drama school with Jack Wild.

“I always looked younger than my age, which proved handy for work and it enabled me to make several films for The Children’s Film Foundation.

“I made many TV dramas in the 60s such as Z Cars, Dixon Of Dock Green and TV series such as playing Moira Lister’s daughter in The Very Merry Widow.

My character in the railway children was 11, yet I was 20, so it was vital my age was kept secret

Sally Thomsett

“In David Copperfield, I played the young Agnes Wickfield with Dame Flora Robson and together with her dog we’d travel to Brighton by train each day.

“Getting the role of Phyllis in The Railway Children was no big deal. My character was 11, yet I was 20,so it was vital my age was kept secret.

“I couldn’t be seen out with my boyfriend or drink in pubs or drive my new red sports car. But Lionel Jeffries, who was divine, made it a fun and wonderful time for everyone.

“We all attended the Royal Premiere in Leicester Square in front of Princess Anne and it was only when I saw a picture in the Daily Express of me and Jenny Agutter that I realised how popular the film was.

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Bovril TV Advert - Sally Thomsett

“The 70s kept me busy. After making Straw Dogs (1971), I was reunited with Lionel for a drama about a speech therapist and her student called Baxter! (1973).

“Among many TV adverts I made was a catchy Bovril ad that got me the role of Jo in Man About The House. Playing dotty Jo was the most fun I’ve had! We regularly topped 20 million viewers, but after three series and a feature film, we decided to go out on top.

“I travelled around the world twice. I lived in Los Angeles and got married for a second time, which was silly and then I returned in the late 80s when they repeated Man About The House.

“I met Paul, who is a teacher, at my local pub in 1993 and three years later when I was 46, Charlie was born. I was shocked as I thought it was impossible. Charlie is now my PA and looks just like I did at her age.

“I attend fan conventions with Bernard Cribbins and Jenny Agutter and I visit Richard O’Sullivan who lives in an actors’ rest home and we go to his local pub.

“I used to laugh my socks off every week on Man About The House and the public always remind me of how much they love watching The Railway Children. I’m happy that the public like those two shows; after all, we’re in the entertainment business and it’s nice when you have entertained.”

Sally Thomsett stars in Peter Pan at Doncaster Racecourse from December 13 to January 4. Call 01302 304265 or visit doncaster-racecourse.co.uk.

Whatever happened to Man About The House actress Sally Thomsett (3)SAT MAG

'I got into acting by chance'

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Whatever happened to Man About The House actress Sally Thomsett (2025)
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